Corporate Structure

KP Depot Services Sdn Bhd


IJM Subsidiaries & Associates

KP Depot Services Sdn Bhd 200201027611 (595274-X)

Date of Incorporation

9 October 2002

Nature of Business

Container depot services

Board of Directors

Liang Chai Wan 
Tan Tuan Peng
Chan Weng Yew

Company Secretary

Ting Mooi Nark

Registered Office

B-172, 2nd Floor, Jalan Dato’ Lim Hoe Lek
25200 Kuantan, Pahang Darul Makmur

Company Auditors 

S. P. Kong & Chang


Changes in Issued Share Capital:-
Date of
Type of Issuance Number
of Shares
Issued Share Capital Total Number of Shares Total Issued Share Capital
29 Mar 2007 Ordinary Share issue 250,000 RM250,000 500,000 RM500,000
01 Feb 2006 Ordinary Share issue 249,998 RM249,998 250,000 RM250,000
09 Oct 2002 Subscribers’ shares 2 RM2 2 RM2


Name of Shareholders No. of Shares %
KP Port Services Sdn Bhd (377378 H) 150,000 30
Waja Kasturi Sdn Bhd (321475-X) 350,000 70


Subsidiary & Associated Companies:-
Subsidiary & Associated Companies % Held
None -

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