Dato' Edward Chong Sin Kiat

Dato' Edward Chong Sin Kiat


Group Chief Financial Officer





Age / Gender

51/ Male


Academic / Professional Qualification

  • Bachelor of Business (Accountancy), Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Australia

  • Member of the Malaysian Institute of Accountants

  • Member of CPA Australia


Date Appointed / Working Experience

Dato' Edward Chong was re-designated as the Group Chief Financial Officer of IJM Corporation Berhad ("IJM") on 1 June 2024 from his previous position as the Chief Financial Officer of IJM (7 August 2020 - 31 May 2024).

Prior to joining IJM Group, Dato' Edward Chong was attached to the corporate finance department of an investment bank and prior to that, a public accounting firm.

His past appointments in IJM Group were as follows:-

  • Assistant General Manager of Corporate Affairs, RB Land Holdings Berhad ("RBL") [now known as IJM Land Berhad ("IJML")] (2000)

  • General Manager of Corporate Affairs, RBL (2001 – 2007)

  • General Manager of Finance, IJML (2007 – 2012)

  • Chief Financial Officer, IJML (2012)

  • Chief Operating Officer & Chief Financial Officer, IJML (2012 – 2015)

  • Managing Director, IJML (2015 – 2022)

Present Directorship(s)

Listed Companies:

  • Nil

Other Public Companies:

  • IJM Land Berhad
  • ERMS Berhad
  • Sebana Golf & Marina Resort Berhad
  • Road Builder (M) Holdings Bhd


Other Current Position(s) Held

  • Vice President and Council Member, Rehda Malaysia (2022-2024)
  • Deputy Chairman, Rehda Selangor (2022-2024)